The controversial Columbine Access Project, which establishes a groomed snowmobile trail through Columbine Meadows, a historic non-motorized backcountry ski area near Hahn’s Peak, is scheduled to move forward with the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest’s decision that the project will not have “a significant effect on the human environment” and will therefore not require an Environmental Impact Statement. The project also establishes a three-acre parking area away from private homes to alleviate conflict between private home owners and snowmobilers.
While Winter Wildlands Alliance along with Friends of the Routt Backcountry and Colorado Mountain Club opposed the proposed motorized route through Columbine Meadows, we are pleased with another outcome of the decision that establishes a voluntary motorized closure area on Hahns Peak. The plan is intended to allow motorized access leading to areas popular with snowmobilers while preserving a traditional skier use area. Snowmobilers will be instructed to stay on the trail while passing through Columbine Meadows. If snowmobilers do not stay on the trail the plan calls for the Forest Supervisor to consider a mandatory closure to snowmobiles, to move the trail and/or eliminate “groomed” access from the Columbine side of Hahns Peak. With the establishment and protection of a significant non-motorized area on Hans Peak, Winter Wildlands Alliance, Friends of the Routt Backcountry, and Colorado Mountain Club have decided not to challenge the decision to allow the motorized trail. However we are working with the Forest Service to resolve several other details including insuring access to Hahns Peak for non-motorized recreationists. Winter Wildlands Alliance, Friends of the Routt Backcountry and Colorado Mountain Club anticipate that this access issue will be easily resolved.