The Department of Agriculture and the Forest Service have proposed a new Forest Planning Rule to guide land management plans for all units of the National Forest System. According to Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, "This proposed planning rule seeks to conserve our forests for the benefit of water, wildlife, recreation and the economic vitality of our rural communities."
While WWA has concerns about some aspects of the proposed rule – namely the amount of local discretion and the use of non-binding subjective terms such as “desired conditions,” “taking into account,” and “should consider,” that leave too much to interpretation and may lead to weakened protection for wildlife and resources – we are encouraged by the inclusion a Framework for Sustainable Recreation.
The proposed rule reads, “Through consideration of recreational values in a landscape context, NFS units would be expected to provide a mix of sustainable recreational opportunities that complement those of the surrounding area.” It further defines sustainable recreation as “…the set of recreational opportunities, uses and access that, individually and combined, are ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable, allowing the responsible official to offer recreation opportunities now and into the future.” The inclusion of the Framework for Sustainable Recreation is an
important acknowledgment that economically and socially important non-consumptive activities (including human-powered snowsports) need greater consideration in the Forest Planning process.
The proposed rule also includes consideration of climate change and includes requirements to “consider climate change in assessments, revising or amending plans, and in monitoring...” Considering the current 1982 Rule includes no consideration of climate change the inclusion of “adaptive framework” for climate change is a notable step forward.
Equally important is the proposed rule’s recognition of the important role national forest lands play in supplying America with clean water and the acknowledgement of the role Forest Plans play in protecting the quality and quantity of the nation’s water supply. According to the proposed rule “New or revised plans would consistently include
more direction for maintenance and restoration of watersheds composition, structure and function and protection for aquatic resources than existing plans.”
In regard to protecting wildlife, the proposed rule states, “NFS lands would be expected to consistently provide the ecological conditions necessary to maintain the diversity of plant and animal communities.” The proposed rule allows significant discretion within the Forest Service for managing wildlife compared to the existing planning regulations that require the Forest Service to maintain viable populations of all native and desired non-native species. WWA is
concerned that wildlife will receive less protection within the new plan.
WWA will voice our concerns in official comments and will at the same time commend the Forest Service and USDA on their good faith effort to promote sustainable recreation such as backcountry skiing, snowshoeing and winter hiking. Winter Wildlands Alliance will continue advocate for a Forest Planning Rule that requires sound science and finds the correct balance between national standards and directives and local discretion. To learn m ore about the Rule and to comment directly go to Comment period closes May 16, 2011.